Sunday, 27 February 2011

Evaluation 3:

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

To gain feedback from a wide range of people, we used the social networking site 'Facebook'. As this website is very popular with our peers and even family, we thought that it would be a good way to get feedback without putting anybody out of their way to help us. Also, the people who would be giving us feedback are our main target audiences so this would be the most efficient comments that we could get.

Here is the comments we have taken from Facebook:

As well as the feedback we got from the social networking site, we was able to individually interview a few people from school that have watched our video.

The main feedback that we recieved was how well our actors worked in order for us to complete the video. The time lapse section where we showed the time moving by quickly, was a big hit with our target audience! As well as this, everyone we spoke to thought that the black and white convention worked well at highlighting the memories and times of the past, separate from the hard times the couple are facing at present. We also learnt from our feedback that our ancillary tasks fit well with the theme and genre of the video.

The main negative feedback that we got from the feedback was that the suit at the beginning of the video is slightly green, we put this down simply to a camera fault that would of been time consuming to re-film all over again. This was what we also learned from the feedback from our rough cut.

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